Friday, June 5, 2020

Transition Into Adulthood Psychology Writing Assignment - 1375 Words

Transition Into Adulthood Psychology Writing Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Transition into adulthoodAuthorAuthor AffiliationTransition into adulthoodIt is surprising that to learn that this quote on the growth of the children and their transition to adulthood is attributed to Socrates (469-399B.C) as it resonates well with children in the modern society. Therefore, this theory confirms that stages of development are similar regardless of the generation and nature of society.1. What have you learned about development during adolescence that might explain how this quote can apply to modern day adolescents, as well as those who lived centuries ago?Adolescence stage usually occurs between twelve and eighteen years and can be defined in several ways which include culturally, physiologically, cognitively with each aspect having a different meaning (Berzonsky and Dodd 2016). Adolescence can be defined as a culturally constructed period that begins when a person reaches sexual maturity until the time when a person has established an identity as a n adult within his or her own social context. Adolescent years are characterized by rapid physical changes. Nevertheless, sexual maturation occurs at this stage. Adolescence is also an important period for cognitive development that marks the change in the way individual think and reason about an idea and problems. In early adolescence, a person can classify and order objects, reverse a process, think logically about the objects and consider several aspects at a time. Adolescents often benefit from their own direct experience and not principles and abstract ideas. As the adolescents develop complex cognitive skills, they gain the ability to solve hypothetical and more abstract problems. This type of thinking may consist of increased ability to think in hypothetical ways about abstract ideas, the ability to self-generate and evaluate hypothesis systematically, think and plan for the future and reflection of own thoughts (Crockett and Crouter 2014). When the person transitions into a dolescence they are confronted with several changes at the same time. They have to content with physical and cognitive growth as well as new situation, people, and responsibilities. Adolescence is characterized by the conflict between the role confusion and identity.The adolescents try new roles, new ways of behaving and thinking and explore different new values and ideas. At this period, individuals formulate own concepts within the concept of the peer. In their aim of ensuring independence, the adolescents are usually guided by the peer influence on what they think is normal and acceptable (Schulz and Sisk 2016). They pull away from their families as a source of identity and this may result in the conflict between their family and the peer group affiliation (Selemon, 2013). Nevertheless, adolescence is an important stage in emotional development. Mood swings are common in adolescents which are attributed to hormones, logical reaction to social, physical and cognitive changes, and struggle with self-esteem. As they struggle with the identity they confront the challenge of what is socially acceptable and who they want to become. This is when they elicit contradictory and bizarre behaviors. All these stages occur regardless of the generation.2. Although there might be general similarities, are there some differences that modern-day parents need to consider as well?Modern parents need to understand that despite the conspicuous similarities in the adolescents of the modern and past generations, there exist some differences (Spielberg et al., 2015). According to research, there are distinctive characteristics of present-day adolescents that are unique to them. First, modern parents need to understand that technology has impacted on the lives of their adolescents. Unlike in the past generations where access to information a was a problem, modern adolescents have an easy access to information through many social media sites (Dolgin 2013). This information shapes their cognitive ability and personal opinion.In addition, modern parents should appreciate the fact that children there is increased interaction between people in the modern world as a result of globalization. Present day adolescents encounter people from various parts of the world that shape their character. Furthermore, these interactions shape their character. In the past generation, people could only interact in the physical environment. Today, with globalization, interactions need not be physical.There is also a problem of leading the moral life. Studies have indicated that most adolescents in the modern world lack moral principles and usually get themselves in unwanted activities and get into immoral behavior (Bergin and Bergin 2014). Modern life has made it easy for adolescents to access electronic gadgets which have both good and bad influence but in most cases lead many adolescents to unacceptable paths of life. The parents rarely notice changes in these adolescents due to the limited time between them.There is also the concern of the imbalanced life which is a problem in modern parenting. With a lot of time in the work, parents no longer have time for their adolescents. This gives them room for manipulation into dangerous behavior. The parents need to consider the imbalance in their lives in order to reverse this trend.Other issue modern parents should consider is emotional dissolution. The modern adolescents lack emotional bondage with their parents as well as their friends. Most of them are always indoors with electronic devices minimizing the time for socialization. Parents also have little time to cultivate emotional bondage which in most cases leads to the emotional dissolution. The emotional bond between adolescents and parents is no more.3. What advice might you give a modern-day parent for relating to his or her teen, based on what you have learned?Adolescence in the modern society is increasingly difficult as the teens undergo rapid phy sical, social and mental changes (Spielberg et al., 2015). This is also the time for peer influence and relationships which can be detrimental to your teen. The teens at this time what support and guidance more than anything else. As a parent, it is important to build a strong family relationship with your teenagers which would help them through the adolescent stage. The following are my tips for the parents on how to relate with his or her teen.First, ensure regular family meals. Having meals together offers a great chance for every family member to chat their day and inquire anything. This provides an excellent opportunity for the teenagers to open up about hat they may be going through. Therefore, however, how difficult it may be to have meals together due to various commitments, ensure you set aside some time for your family.Secondly, set time for fun family outings. A fun filled outing is a perfect opportunity to cultivate strong family ties. This is the reason as a parent, you should consider going on vacations with your family in order to strengthen these family ties.Moreover, as a parent, learn to celebrate any achievements by your teens, however, small and also learn to share his or her disappointments. Nevertheless, show your interest in your kid's hobbies by supporting their talents.Have time for your teens. One on one time with the adolescents provide an opportunity to stay con...

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