Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Historical Overview of Homosexuality - 2431 Words

Abstract Progression of Homosexuality: Evolution of a phenomenon over time Some authors believe that homosexuality is not a kind of conduct, as commonly supposed, but a psychological condition (Woggon, 1981). Thus, it is important to understand that the genuine homosexual condition or inversion, as it is often termed. This condition is something for which the subject is in no way responsible. Some literature suggests that homosexuality in itself it is morally neutral. Like the condition of heterosexuality, however, it tends to find expression in specific sexual acts; and such acts are subject to moral judgment (McNeill, 1966). A major premise established in contemporary literature is the concept that sexual orientation ranges†¦show more content†¦It is the way a portion of the population expresses human love and sexuality From the premises established in this section, a holistic illustration of world-views regarding homosexuality, can be detailed. World Views of Homosexuali ty Secular As discussed previously, the first half (and a little beyond) of the 20th century spawned varying views of homosexuality (constitutional, developmental and genetic were the main ones). However, the worldviews resulting from such were congruent in the main. This is primarily because of the fact that these theories were aiming to explain the occurrence of a class of aberration/disorder. Consequently, claims, such as homosexuality being classified as a serious psychiatric and social problem (Bieber, 1969), were commonplace in academic literature and reverberated in the wider society. The passage of time into the final quarter of the last century, realized a progressively softer position regarding homosexuality, by both from the academic and wider community. This softening can be observed as being simultaneous with stances adopted by the APA. After the organization’s actions in 1973 and 1975 concerning acceptance of homosexuality, the literature had been littered with expressions of the wide variability in the social acceptance of homosexual activity (Greenberg Bystryn, 1982). Christian The ELCA encourages its congregations toShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality And The Western Christian1336 Words   |  6 PagesA highly debated topic of today is whether or not homosexuality is acceptable according to the Bible. There are many different arguments in support of homosexuality, however one must carefully consider what the Bible says in order to judge the validity of these arguments. God clearly condemns homosexuality in His Word. First, we can see God’s condemnation of homosexuality in the Old Testament. 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