Sunday, December 29, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Analyzing the Use and Relevance Of Censorship and Government Surveillance - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 774 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Fahrenheit 451 Essay Ray Bradbury Essay Did you like this example? Did you know that in North Korea the government has eyes and ears everywhere and knows where every citizen is at any moment. Sounds crazy right? Well it is true, they also control virtually every aspect of a persons life. For example, they censor out all the news and media from outside the country. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Fahrenheit 451: Analyzing the Use and Relevance Of Censorship and Government Surveillance" essay for you Create order This is almost identical to the world in the classic novel, Fahrenheit 451. The book takes place in an unnamed city in the United States. It centers around Guy Montag, the protagonist that lives in a world where books are illegal due to their ability to make people think about life and the world around them. Montag is a firefighter whose job is to burn outlawed books. The themes of government surveillance and censorship are the two most relevant in the story because they are mentioned, hinted at, and developed from beginning to end. As the novel begins, the reader notices how many things are censored from the people. For instance, within the first eight pages it is heard, Dont you ever read any of the books you burn? Thats against the law! (Bradbury 8). This shows that people are not allowed to own or even read books even though they know how to read. The government and all the higher ups do not want people to have their own true beliefs and opinions because this can cause people to rebel and disrupt the peace. The government in this universe is more of a totalitarian structure because they want the people to be under control and not try any form of rebellion/unhappiness. This further ties back to the article, Total Control in North Korea which states, The police can monitor all digital communications, including phone calls and text messages, and a complex surveillance network lets them know the whereabouts of any citizen at any time. What are they watching for? They want to make sure no one is doing anything th at might jeopardize the unity of the country (McBirney 1). This is basically how the government works in the novel. Books are seen as the one thing that could truly disrupt the unity of the city and cause what they believe to be mass chaos. That is a part of the reason that books are banned because just like the Korean government, they do not want people to have ideas or opinions. This idea of censorship further develops as you delve deeper into the story. You quickly find out that the censoring of books was more so societys fault in the beginning, as explained by Beatty in the following statement, Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock up your typewriters. They did. Magazines became a nice blend of vanilla tapioca. Books, so the damned snobbish critics said, were dishwater. No wonder books stopped selling, the critics said (Bradbury 57) Solely based on his words, we learn that people got bored of the books and their boring and controversial contents. Magazines, with their bright colors, big fonts and big headlines, ended up becoming more liked and so books stopped selling and in turn were banned altogether. This also relates so much to our world today as we see people becoming more sensitive and one-sided which leads to media being more censored. Everything from books to music, tv, news, movies has become a bit less thought- provoking and out there. Of course n obody wants to believe that its their fault so we just blame the government, who only plays a small role in this situation. Around the end of the story, the small group have memorized books to pass down to their kids in hopes that humanity will regain interest and bring them back. Bradbury makes the following statement, To everything there is a season. Yes. A time to break down and a time to build up. Yes. A time to keep silence, and a time to speak (Bradbury 165) this quote can be applied to most everything in life including our cycle of censorship in our world because people were not always the way we are now. It is the most prominent example that shows how the themes of government surveillance and censorship are the two most relevant in the story. The entire book centers mostly around censorship and government surveillance with a few other themes in the mix. The idea of the events of the book are not far off from what is possible in the real world. North Korea has already been living like this for years. The themes of government surveillance and censorship are the two most relevant in the story because they are mentioned, hinted at, and developed from beginning to end.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Psychology Nature Vs Nurture - 869 Words

Let’s Talk About Psychology For many years, psychologists have been interested in studying human behavior and how our brains function. Psychological research has been mainly geared towards discovering parts of the brain, and the environment that influences our behavior as individuals. In other words, research aims to provide reasons why people behave the way they do, and what makes individuals different from each other. Much to the joy of experts in the field, major strides have been made in not only understanding, but also predicting human behavior. Concepts such as the influence of nature versus nurture on personal development, introversion or extroversion, and introspection have provided more insight into the way people think and interact with others and the environment. An age-long research topic in Psychology has been the issue of nature versus nurture issue. Nature versus nurture refers to the extent to which an individual’s genetics (inherited traits) or immediate society affects his or her personal growth. A very vivid example of the role nature or nurture plays in determining will be my personality. For example, my father and mother have mild temperaments, so I was raised in a somewhat conservative home. In my case, pro-nature supporters argue that my genetic makeup will largely determine the personality traits I develop. In this case, if I inherited a mild temperament, then I will most likely reflect such personality traits. Nurture supporters on the other hand,Show MoreRelatedPsychology, Nature Vs. Nurture971 Words   |  4 Pagesthink why we are that way? The answer is found in the classic debate in Psychology, Nature vs. Nurture. Aggression is caused by learned behavior, not through genetics. There are two sides of this debate, Nature and Nurture. Nature refers to something that you’re born with and are not able to change. People that follow this are called Nativists. They believe that the traits that you have are passed down through genetics. Nurture means that your personality traits are based on your environment. ForRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Psychology And Biology1449 Words   |  6 Pages Nature vs. Nurture is one of the most prevalent theories in psychology and biology; scientists previously believed that personality traits were derived from either genetics or environmental elements, but more recently have concluded that both factors play a role in the expression of genes. However, the influences of genetics and environmental factors on sexual orientation is still a controversial topic which is currently being discussed in both psychological and biological debates. While many researchersRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : A Debate Within Psychology1344 Words à ‚  |  6 Pages1 Kaeezs Mark Lee F. Tonda PSY 100 Nature Vs. Nurture There s a debate within psychology about whether certain aspects of behavior are genetic or learned characteristics. Certain physical characteristics are genetic, like color of eyes, hair type, and skin color. Other things like driving, talking, or tying your shoes are learned. People wonder if personality and mental abilities are genetic or learned. There are good arguments for both the nurture, and nature side of these three issues: intelligenceRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture And How Studying Psychology Can Improve Critical Thinking818 Words   |  4 Pagesmission of history. The study of psychologies past endeavors to help future generations of psychology-minded individuals how the past discoveries that were implemented, and altered within the field. As with any history, knowing the successes, and possible mistakes in the within the field development can only assist future experiences. In examining the history of the psychology, upcoming psychology students are able to talk over the age-old debate of nature versus nurture. The beliefs of Darwinism stillRead MorePsychology And Science Of A Heterosexual And Homosexual Man Through The Course Of Nature Vs. Nurture1168 Words   |  5 Pagesand science background comparing the neurological anatomy and science of a heterosexual and homosexual man through the studies; Simon LeVay, Roselli, Hamers, Sanders, Hansen. The perception of whether homosexuality conforms to the course of nature vs. nurture can influence the amount of scrutiny judged upon affected individuals. So, the purpose of this extended essay is to answer the research question of to what extent is there a biological basis with neurological structurally, genetically, hormonallyRead MoreEssay on Nature vs Nurture1052 Words   |  5 PagesNature vs. Nurture M. B. Liberty University Psychology 101 Nature vs. Nurture There has been extensive debate between scholars in the field of psychology surrounding the Nature vs. Nurture issue. Both nature and nurture determine who we are and neither is solely independent of the other. â€Å"As the area of a rectangle is determined by its length and its width, so do biology and experience together create us.†(Myers, 2008, p. 8) Carl Gustav Jung, and leading thinker and creator of analyticalRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology1194 Words   |  5 PagesNatsuaki, M. N., . . . Leve, L. D. (2014). Adoptive parent hostility and children’s peer behavior problems: Examining the role of genetically informed child attributes on adoptive parent behavior. Developmental Psychology, 50(5), 1543-1552. This source goes against the belief that nature and nurture even paly that much of a significant role in the way children grow up to portray themselves. Elam and Shaw say that it’s all about personal choices. They feel that through their recent discoveries that thisRead MoreThe Effect Of Environmental And Genetics On The Development Of A Person1000 Words   |  4 PagesOne of these oldest arguments in the history of psychology is the debate of whether or not ones environment or genetic background plays more of a role in the development of a person. Both nature and nurture have been proven to play an important role in one’s development. Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors. Nurture is generally taken as the influence of external factors after conception e.g. the product of exposure, experienceRead MoreRetrospective Analysis of Personality1043 Words   |  5 PagesRetrospective Analysis of Persona lity Intro to Psychology August 31, 2014 I found doing this paper quite exciting to a certain point, until I really took a moment to glance back into my life and see the changes that have taken place. Through the years I have wondered what made me change my personality towards the way I look at things but now I see why. I drastically made those changes due to the different people and environments I have been. My personality started out as helping anyone I couldRead MoreNature vs. Nurture: a Biblical Perspective1531 Words   |  7 PagesRUNNING TITLE: Nature vs. Nurture Nature vs. Nurture: A Biblical Perspective Ouida Lynne Heath Psychology 101, Module 5 Professor Roberts December 17, 2009 Nature vs. Nurture: A Biblical Perspective The Nature versus Nurture debate has been ongoing for centuries. People have tried to gain power through knowledge in determining what causes the human â€Å"mind to tick.† For centuries leaders and scientists have

Friday, December 13, 2019

Understanding Job Satisfaction, Loyalty, Commitment Free Essays

Job satisfaction as a notion may have different definitions, but the core essence of it lays in the feelings which an employee has when he is asked about his job. These feelings can express total satisfaction with the job, simple satisfaction to total discontent. The reasons of the dissatisfaction should be viewed deeper, and in order to determine the principle factors which cause the employee be unsatisfied it is essential to consider various separate aspects of the employee’s relationships at work – whether he is dissatisfied with the physical environment, or with the relationships with other employees or a supervisor, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Job Satisfaction, Loyalty, Commitment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Kirkman 25) What is job satisfaction and why it is needed Job satisfaction as the integral part of the employee successful performance at work has become a subject of acute attention only recently; simultaneously, only few firms (organizations) were able to apply its recommendations and strategies to their activity. Job satisfaction should be taken as the opportunity for the organization to easily improve its general performance. It is understandable, that the employees who are satisfied with their jobs appear to be more productive, committed to what they do and as a result the clients become also more satisfied with the quality of products and services they get, increasing its reputation and profits. Organizations, which are able to create environment which will attract, benefit, motivate and retain the hard-working employees, will finally be better positioned and will succeed in the competitive business environment, where the main aims to achieve are the quality and cost-effectiveness. It will be understood later, that job satisfaction is far not always connected with the salary and financial side of this job; thus cost-efficiency is highly possible if the experienced HR manager inactivates the hidden potentials of making employees satisfied with their jobs. (Kirkman 36) Not always job satisfaction goes in line with the wishes of the employee. Sometimes it happens that job satisfaction at the employee level does not brings positive changes at the company level; it may happen that the employee is fully satisfied with the situation of coming to his workplace and doing nothing; in this case job satisfaction has nothing to do with the general company’s work and advancement. (Leonard 44) How to improve job satisfaction In improving the working environment as one of the means for improving job satisfaction of employees it is essential to change the working conditions in which people work. First of all, these conditions impact the level of pride and the feeling of prestige among employees; second, through the working conditions employees understand for what they work. The environment should be up-to-date, and it is no secret that even new furniture and newest technological solutions will make the employee more satisfied with what he does. The personal space of each employee should be considered very thoroughly and it is very valuable for the management to take into account the wishes and suggestions which employees have for this issue. It is often, when the employer tries to save additional costs and hires small office making it overcrowded; ultimately this negatively impacts the performance of the whole staff that has to work in this premise all day long. It influences intrapersonal relations, and thus the quality of work done. Thus, this is not the right means of saving, and the cost-effectiveness is not appropriate here. (Leonard 44) These have been the principal ‘hygiene’ issues which should be resolved before the manager or the employer decides to take care for the motivation problems. In making employees motivated and thus more satisfied with their jobs, the principal aspect is probably to make them understand that they do valuable work, which is appreciated and of which they should be proud. It is difficult, but it makes the essential part of making the employee motivated. In the desire to motivate employees various means are appropriate, and one of the most widely-spread is the instrument for sharing success stories of other employees who used to work in the company and have made career, or to prove to the employee that the tasks which he is obliged to fulfill are essential for the whole company performance. Make a big deal out of meaningful tasks that may have become ordinary, such as new-baby visits. Of course employees may not find all their tasks interesting or rewarding, but you should show the employee how those tasks are essential to the overall processes that make the practice succeed. You may find certain tasks that are truly unnecessary and can be elim inated or streamlined, resulting in greater efficiency and satisfaction. ’ (Jamal 55) Conclusion The aim of the work was to discuss job satisfaction as a notion and to suggest possible solutions for the increase of job satisfaction among employees. It has become clear that job satisfaction is a very complex meaning and in order to use it properly, it should be considered from the viewpoint of various aspects, included into it, the amount of which is numerous. Job satisfaction influences performance of every worker, and ultimately it influences the level of the company performance. Making the employee satisfied through understanding the meaning of his work as well as being proud of what he does will increase the level of customer satisfaction and thus the reputation and prestige of the enterprise as a whole. (Spector 35) The principal difference between the hygiene issues and those related to motivation, is that hygiene issues resolved make the workers less dissatisfied with their jobs, while motivational issues make them more effective and productive. (Spector 35) Asking employees of what they feel about their jobs is essential for the management, because accounting the employee’s desires and suggestions will make them feel meaningful and thus promote their motivation and self-efficacy. The description of job satisfaction is useful for each employer to read and know the principal issues connected with this problem. With the development of the new technologies and new jobs, job satisfaction appears to decline among many professions, thus needing more attention on the side of employers. (Spector 35) How to cite Understanding Job Satisfaction, Loyalty, Commitment, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Debt to Assets Ratio – Accounting Tools

Question: Discuss about the Debt to Assets Ratio Accounting Tools. Answer: Balance sheet The main purpose of the balance sheet is mainly of reporting the financial position of an entity at particular point of time (it includes total assets, liabilities and also stockholders equity). Usefulness Help to determine whether working capital is enough in order to sustain its operation. Help the creditors as well as other stakeholders to determine entity financial position in order to arrive ate decision of investment To know the Business Net worth Income Statement As the name indicates this statement help to report the accountants primary measure in regard to the performance of an entity during the accounting period by revenue less expenses result. Usefulness It provides snapshots about the companys profitability for the specified period. It act as base for the entity to make decision for future Businesses use this report to know the financial position by looking into profitability growth. Cash Flow Statement As the name indicates, this statement provides the information regarding the cash inflow and the cash outflow from operating, investing and from financing activities Usefulness This statement is helpful for the company in various ways Helps to prevent as well monitor entitys debt Helps to ensure timely investment Helps to ensure timely payment of debt as well as expenses Preventing unnecessary expenditure such late interest, penalties Review of the income statement: The total operating revenues of the company are k 2972 The Cost of goods sold of the company k 2327 The total expenses before taxes of the company are k) 809 The non-operating gains and losses of the company are 0 Comparative Statement is as follows: (Amounts in k in thousands) Particulars 2015 (k) 2014 (k) % increase or -decrease Total operating revenues 2,972 2,604 0.14 Cost of goods sold 2327 1824 0.28 Total expenses (before tax expenses) 809 670 0.21 Any non-operating (or extraordinary) gains and losses 0 0 0.00 On the basis of above table, it is clear that there is increase in operating revenue by 14% on the other hand there is also increase in COGS by 28% which indicates that it is not good sign sin % increase in expenses is more than the % increase in revenue. Moreover, % increase in Expenses is 21% which again is more then % increase in revenue. Hence not a positive sign for the company growth In the nutshell, Increase in revenue may be positive sign if there is decrease in expenses but here, as discussed situation is not as mentioned. In all, it is advisable that revenue should increase expensed must be decrease in order to get higher profit. Review of the balance sheet: The current assets of the company are k 706 The non-current assets of the company are k369 The current liabilities of the company are k 612 The non-current liabilities of the company are k 250 The total stockholders equity of the company are k213 As we are aware that assets on a balance sheet are divided into three main categories i.e. current, capital others. Current assets are both cash assets that are expected to be converted within 12 months. It is normal during the business life that cash balance in a company rises falls based on inflows outflows of operational financing activities. Cash goes down by the amount of payment. Similarly, current liabilities are the debt and obligations that a company must pay within a year. These are short term debt. Comparative Statement is as follows: (Amounts in (k) in thousands) Particulars 2015 2014 % increase or -decrease Total current assets 706.00 490.00 0.44 Total non-current assets 369.00 379.00 -0.03 Total current liabilities 612.00 456.00 0.34 Total non-current liabilities 250 300 -0.17 Total stockholder's equity 213 113 0.88 On the basis of above table, we can see that There is increase in current assets by 44 % on the other hand there is decrease in noncurrent assets Similarly, there is increase in current liabilities by 34 % on the other hand there is decrease in noncurrent liabilities by 17%. Current liabilities are ones the company expects to settle within 12 months of the date on the balance sheet. Here, equity has been increased by 88% there may be two reason for the same increase in the earning i.e. profitability or increases from capital, which is a good sign for the company. Review of the statement of cash flows: The net cash inflow from operating activities of the company are k 94 The net cash inflow from the financing activities of the company are k -90 The net cash inflow from the investing activities of the company are k -95 The net increase in the cash during the year of the company are k -91 Comparative statement is as follows: (Amounts in (k) in thousands) Particulars 2015 2014 % increase or -decrease Net cash inflow from operating activities 94.00 66 0.42 Net cash inflow from financing activities -90 -95 -0.05 Net cash inflow from investing activities -95 -75 0.27 Net increase/decrease in cash during the year -91 -104 -0.13 As we know that Cash flow can be affected by asset and liability changes in the business. Changes in assets liabilities can affect cash flow in both positive negative way. On the basis of above table, positive operating income shows increase by 42 % which is positive sign. One of the reasons may be that receipt from customer is higher than the payment made during the year Cash inflow from financing activities in the Year 2014 was negative during 2015 is also negative but decrease to some extent... This is one of the positive sign The net decrease in the cash during the year 2015 turn to -91 from -104 it indicates that some progress have been made so as to bring the company into track. D Taking into consideration all the facts financial statement cause of concern for banker would be Decrease in profit during 2015 as comparative to 2014. In addition % increase in expenses is higher than the % increase in revue during the year 2015 Increase in current liability as compare to the year 2014 is also the cause of concern which indicates that companys liability has been increased. Similarly there is also increase in Current Assets Negative cash flow is also one of the main reason for concern by banker since it shows that company is not utilizing the cash in a significant manner. Potential consequences of the bank managers concerns Negative Cash Flow- It shows that company is not utilizing the cash in proper manner which may lead to shortage of fund for investment. Example- if net cash flow from operation is negative it means company is spending more cash than it is generating or producing. If it is positive it indicates that company is generating more cash than it its spending during its day to day operation. Decrease In profitability- Profitability as clearly defines the status of the company earning, decrease in the same provides negative impact about the companys financial position. To meet above consequences Steps must be taken for better management of cash or to access cash from other sources. In regard to profitability, steps must be taken to increase the revenue and on the time steps should also be taken to decrease the expenses. Which will lead the company to bring positive sign for its financial statement References:, 'Debt to Assets Ratio Accounting tools'. Nap. 2015. Web. 29 May 2015. My Accounting Course, 'Financial Ratio Analysis | Example | My Accounting Course'. Nap. 2015. Web. 29 May 2015. My Accounting Course, 'Return On Equity Ratio | Analysis | Formula | Example'. Nap. 2015. Web. 29 May 2015. My Accounting Course, 'Times Interest Earned Ratio | Analysis | Formula | Example'. Nap. 2015. Web. 29 May 2015. "Income Statement (Profit And Loss Statement) | Explanation | Accountingcoach" N.p., 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2016. "Net Income's Effects On Stockholders' Equity" N.p., 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2016. "The Four Basic Financial Statements: An Overview" N.p., 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2016. "Two Possible Reasons For An Increase In Stockholder's Equity" N.p., 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2016. Aghdas Jafari Motlagh, Aghdas Jafari Motlagh. "Accounting: Cash Flow Statement".IOSR Journal of Business and Management7.4 (2013): 109-116. Web. Statement, Importance. "Importance Of Cash Flow Statement | Accounting-Management" N.p., 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.